Византійская печать с именемъ русской княгини

Византійская печать с именемъ русской княгини
Название рус.: 
Византийская печать с именем русской княгини
Тип работы: 
Язык работы: 
русский (дореформенная орфография)

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Рубрикатор просопографический: 
Год работы: 
— Феофания, супруга Олега-Михаила Святославича, известная по Любечскому синодику. — Theophano Mouzalonissa... allegedly married Oleg of Černihiv before 1083. Testimony to this marriage is the seal of Theophano Mouzalonissa with the name archontissa Rossias, which was published by G. Schlumberger [Sigillographie byzantine (Paris, 1884), pp. 432f., 683]. Xr. Loparov discovered in a late source — a manuscript of the eighteenth century, the Synodikon of Ljubeč — a note that the name of the wife of the great [sic!] prince Mixail–Oleg of Černihiv was Feofanija. This entry is suspicious in that both the title of the great prince and the name of Feofanija are missing in the previous edition of the Synodikon of Ljubeč, which was probably based on other manuscripts; moreover, according to the Synodikon of Kiev, Feofanija was the spouse of another Mixail of Černihiv who died in 1246 [Kazhdan].
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Автор(ы) ориг.: 
Хр. Лопаревъ